Elen Harthy
Registered Homeopath (B.A, DHMHS, HOM)
Elen Harthy earned her Certificate in Homeopathic Medicine at Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario. Elen is a registered Homeopath with College of Homeopath of Ontario, http://www.collegeofhomeopaths.on.ca. As a Homeopath, Elen specializes in classical homeopathic medicine.
In private practice for several years, Elen works with clients to identify and treat the root of the problem. Homeopathic medicine addresses the whole person and any treatment is designed to be effective but gentle, avoiding any contra-indications with other treatments or conventional drugs a patient maybe taking. Elen specializes in Homeopathic Medicine, Nutrition, Life-Style Counselling. Her experience as a mother fosters her ability to manage issues with fertility, pregnancy, childbirth and raising healthy children.
Elen has developed extensive experience in treating childhood illnesses, like eczema, otitis media, behavior problems, bronchitis, pneumonia, Asthma, allergies, ADHD, and Autism to name a few.
Focused on providing optimal care for patients, Elen has maintained a continuous professional development portfolio. Over the span of her Homeopathic career she trained with, Mirsda Vins, Rajan Sankaran, Divya Chabra, Farouk Masters, Kim Elia, Jawaher Shah, Jan sholten and Jeramy Sherr.
Elen believes in a comprehensive model of healthcare that is system-based, integrative and patient centered. She currently runs clinics in Toronto and Dubai.
ايلين الحارثي
(B.A, DHMHS, HOM) طبيب هوميوباثي مسجل
حصلت إيلين الحاارثي على شهادتها في الطب الهوميوباثي من كلية أونتاريو للطب الهوميوباثي في تورنتو ، أونتاريو. إلين هي طبيبة طب تكاملي مسجلة لدى كلية الطب الهوميوباثي في أونتاريو ، http://www.collegeofhomeopaths.on.ca. بصفتها معالجًا في الطب الهوميوباثي ، في الطب المثلي الكلاسيكي..
في الممارسة الخاصة لعدة سنوات ، تعمل الين تعمل الين مع المرضى لتحديد ومعالجة جذر المشكلة. يتعامل الطب الهوميوباثي مع الشخص بأكمله ، وقد تم تصميم أي علاج ليكون فعالًا ولكن لطيفًا ، مع تجنب أي مؤشرات مضادة مع العلاجات الأخرى أو الأدوية التقليدية التي قد يتناولها المريض. إلين متخصصة في الطب الهوميوباثي ، والتغذية ، واستشارات أسلوب الحياة. تعزز تجربتها و قدرتها على إدارة مشاكل الخصوبة والحمل والولادة وتربية الأطفال الأصحاء
امت الين بتنشئة اطفالها باستخدام الهوميوباثي لا غير منذ الصغر. جميع الامراض الطفولة قامت بمعالجتها باستخدام ادوية الهوميوباثي .
اكتسبت إيلين خبرة واسعة في علاج أمراض الطفولة ، مثل الإكزيما والتهاب الأذن الوسطى ومشاكل السلوك والتهاب الشعب الهوائية والالتهاب الرئوي والربو والحساسية واضطراب فرط الحركة ونقص الانتباه والتوحد على سبيل المثال لا الحصر..
تؤمن إلين بنموذج شامل للرعاية الصحية قائم على النظام التكاملي للجسم ويتمحور حول المريض
My Story
When my son broke up with eczema at 6 months, I did not know what to do. It started when I began to introduce solid foods to him. At some point, he had red cracked skin over most of his body and his chubby little fingers would scratch and scratch when I would change his clothes. There is just something heart- breaking about a baby scratching. After a visit to the Pediatrician who recommended steroids to suppress eczema, I knew I need to find a natural alternative. I looked into Homeopathy for help, and it saved my son and my family. The way it worked amazed me; within few minutes my son stopped itching, and his batches started to disappear within a week. What strikes me with Homeopathy is that unlike diet and supplements it was fast, gentle and permanent.

Following this positive experience, I also turned to homeopathy when conventional medicine failed to resolve my sub-clinical under-active thyroid gland. The recommendation from my endocrinologist was to wait and see. I did not like this prospect and I did not want to have to take thyroxin hormones, in tablets form, for the rest of my life, so I consulted a homeopath. It started a year after my second child was born. I had all classical hypo symptoms and my FT3 were out of range, but my FT4 were low but within the range and my TSH was normal. So conventional medicine had no solution for me. I was feeling horrible all the time, very irritable, I was lashing out at my children in every possible occasion. I also had muscle ache and for the first time in my life, I had problems to lose weight. My hair was dry and falling in a handful, as my iron storage was very low. I also found out that I had fibroids and some kidney damage.

On the emotional level, I was depressed and feeling down most of the time. I consulted a Homeopath, within a short period of time, my blood tests showed an increase of thyroid hormones (free T4/T3) until their level came back within optimum range. My thyroid to this day behaves impeccably without the help of any drugs or further homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy has helped me mentally, emotionally and physically. It has restored my health and reversed the damage that has been done to my organs. That was enough for me to know that it is what I want to do for the rest of my life.
By this stage, I was already treating my own children successfully with homeopathy so I decided to undertake the 3 years of study and training to become a homeopath. Till today I raise my kids solely with homeopathy and traditional food. I refused to use antibiotics and other chemicals on my children. Homeopathy is the gentle and safe health care that I chose for my family.